April 2012

Financial instruments were in the spotlight in April! The two Boards continued their progress on the proposed “expected loss” impairment model for financial assets (Phase II of IFRS 9/Impairment), and in particular clarified how the expected loss estimate should be determined.

The Boards also reached an agreement on the definition of a business model which would permit measuring financial assets at amortised cost, and on bifurcation of embedded derivatives (Reopening of Phase I of IFRS 9/ Classification and measurement).
At the beginning of May, the IASB published an exposure draft of proposed amendments to eleven IFRSs under its Annual Improvements project (cycle 2010-2012). The comment period is open until 5 September 2012.


  • Exposure draft on annual improvements to IFRS: 2010-2012 cycle
  • SME Implementation Group publishes two new Q&As
  • EFRAG launches field-test on general hedge accounting
  • ESMA questions IFRS Interpretations Committee on restructuring of Greek government bonds

A Closer Look 

  • IFRS 9: the two Boards make progress on impairment, classification and measurement


Beyond the GAAP, April 2012 issue